Park assist lines and fields for the Park Assist Camera*

The Park Assist Camera indicates the position of the car in relation to its surroundings by displaying lines on the camera image.

Park assist lines

P5-1507-PAC kameravy BAKåt med linjer
Examples of how the park assist lines can be displayed for the driver.

Park assist lines show the intended route for the car's external dimensions with the current steering wheel angle - this facilitates parallel parking, reversing into tight spaces and when connecting a trailer.

The lines on the screen are projected as if they were at ground level behind the car and respond directly to steering wheel movements, showing the driver the path the car will take - also when the car is turning.

These park assist lines include the car's most protruding parts, e.g. towbar, door mirrors and corners.


Park assist lines are not shown when zooming in.


  • When reversing with a trailer which is not connected electrically to the car, the lines on the display show the route the car will take - not the trailer.
  • The screen shows no lines when a trailer is connected electrically to the car's electrical system.


Remember that when rear camera view is selected, the centre display only shows the area behind the car. Keep an eye on the sides and front of the car when turning the steering wheel while reversing.

The same applies vice versa - note what happens to the rear parts of the car when the front camera view is selected.

Note that the guide lines show the shortest route. Therefore, pay extra attention to the car's sides so that they do not go against/over something when the steering wheel is turned when driving forward or that the front sweeps against/over something when the steering wheel is turned when reversing.

Park assist lines in 360° view*

P5-1519-PAC 360 Hjälplinjer
360° view with park assist lines.
With the 360° view, park assist lines are shown behind, in front of and at the side of the car (depending on the direction of travel):
  • When driving forwards: Front lines
  • When reversing: Side lines and reversing lines.

If front camera or reversing camera has been selected, park assist lines are displayed without regard to the car's direction of travel. The selected side camera is used to show the park assist lines only while reversing.

Towbar assist line

P5-1546-PAC KameraVy Dragkrok
Towbar with assist line.
  1. P5-Icon red circle 1Towbar - activates the towbar assist line*.
  2. P5-Icon red circle 2Zoom - zoom in/out.

The camera can facilitate connecting up to a trailer by showing an assist line representing the towbar's intended "path" to the trailer.

Press Towbar (1).
The assist line for the intended "path" of the towbar is shown. At the same time the car's park assist lines are extinguished.
Press Zoom (2) when a more precise manoeuvring is required.
The camera view zooms in.

Park assist lines for both car and towbar cannot be shown at the same time.

Sensor field from Parking assistance*

If the car is equipped with Parking assistance* then the distance is shown in the 360° view with coloured fields for each sensor that registers an obstacle.

Sensor fields backwards and forwards

P5-1507-PAC Färgade sensorfält BAKåt
The screen can show coloured sensor fields on the car symbol to the right.

The fields for the front and reversing sensors change colour as the distance to the obstacle decreases — from yellow through orange to red.

Colours of front and reversing fieldsDistance (metres)

Sensor field to the sides

The side fields are only shown in orange.

Colour of side fieldsDistance (metres)
  1. *Option/accessory.