Adjusting interior lighting

The lamps inside the car come on differently depending on the ignition position used. The interior lighting can be adjusted with a thumbwheel in the instrument panel, and certain light functions can also be adjusted via the centre display.
P5-1746-All-Thumbwheel for light adjustment

The thumbwheel on the instrument panel, to the left of the steering wheel, is used to adjust the brightness of the display lighting, controls lighting, ambient decor illumination and ambience light*.

Adjusting ambient decor illumination

Press Settings in the top view in the centre display.
Press My CarLights and LightingInterior Lighting.

Choose between the following settings:

  • Under Ambient Light Intensity, select from Off, Low and High.
  • Under Ambient Light Level, select from Reduced and Full.

Adjusting ambience light*

The car is equipped with a number of LEDs that make it possible to change the colour of the light. These lights are switched on when the car is running.

Changing the brightness of the lights

Press Settings in the top view in the centre display.
Press My CarLights and LightingInterior LightingInterior Mood Lighting.
Under Interior Mood Light Intensity, select from Off, Low and High.

Changing the colour of the light

Press Settings in the top view in the centre display.
Press My CarLights and LightingInterior LightingInterior Mood Lighting.

Choose between By Temperature and By Colour in order to change the colour of the light.

With the By Temperature option, the light changes according to the set passenger compartment temperature.

With the By Colour option, the Theme Colours subcategory can be used to adjust further.

  1. *Option/accessory.