Opening and closing

Your car has a few features and situation-specific behaviours you should be aware of when opening and closing the doors.


You open the doors manually, but you can set how the doors open and under which conditions via the centre display. The door handles stay folded in until you unlock the car.

The rear doors are equipped with a double-pull feature to help protect against accidental opening of the rear doors. To open the rear doors from the inside, you need to pull the door handle twice.


Mechanical pull

Unless the child lock is on, the doors can always be opened from the inside using the mechanical pull.

This acts as a last resort or emergency option for opening the doors, even if the car battery is flat. The mechanical release requires the door handle to be pulled all the way up and requires some force.


In rare cases, frost or ice may prevent the handles folding outwards. If this happens and the car is unlocked, you can still use the handles to open the car.

If ice buildup is preventing you from accessing the door handles, there are some steps you can try:
  • Activate preconditioning in the Volvo cars app to heat the car.
  • Carefully brush or tap the door handle to remove the ice manually.


The bonnet is opened by using a lever near the driver's seat.


Open the boot manually using the button on the boot hatch or via the centre display. You can also use the hands-free feature.

Open door warning

Regularly check that the bonnet, boot and doors are fully closed.

Open door information icon

Open doors are highlighted in red on the car symbol in the bottom right of the driver display. The car will also use warning sounds to indicate improperly closed doors.

For safety reasons, the car will make it harder for you to accelerate if you attempt to drive while a door isn't fully closed.

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