Display mode for lane assistance

Lane assistance (LKA1) is visualised by symbols in the driver display depending on the situation.
VCC-23w46-iCup-Lane Keeping Aid both lines detected

Here are some examples of symbols and the situations in which they are shown:


VCC-23w46-iCup-Lane Keeping Aid left line detected
VCC-23w46-iCup-Lane Keeping Aid right line detected
Available – One of the symbol's side lines is white.

Lane assistance reads one of the lane's side lines.


VCC-23w46-Lane Keeping Aid unavailable
Unavailable – the lane lines in the symbol are extinguished.

The Lane assistance cannot detect the lane lines, the speed is too low or the road is too narrow.

Indication of steering assistance/warning

VCC-23w46-iCup-Lane Keeping Aid Left intervention
VCC-23w46-iCup-Lane Keeping Aid Right intervention
Steering assistance/warning – the lane lines in the symbol are coloured.

Lane assistance indicates that the system is giving a warning and/or attempting to steer the car back into the lane.

  1. 1Lane Keeping Aid