Electrical sockets

There are two 12V electrical sockets in the tunnel console and one 12V electrical socket* in the luggage compartment.

If a problem occurs with an electrical socket, contact a workshop - an authorised Volvo workshop is recommended.

12 V electrical socket

P5-2017-12 V outlet tunnel console front with phone charger
The tunnel console's front electrical socket for cars with wireless phone charger*.
P5-2017-12 V outlet tunnel console front W/O phone charger
The tunnel console's front electrical socket for cars without wireless phone charger*.

The 12 V sockets can be used for various accessories designed for this, such as music players, cooler boxes and mobile phones.

P5-20w46–Interior–12 V outlet tunnel console S90L
12 V electrical socket in tunnel console, rear seat.
P5-1617-Interior-12V outlet storage
12 V electrical socket in cargo area*.
  1. * Option/accessory.