Optimal performance of the system requires that the system function that detects a cyclist receives as unambiguous information as possible about the body and bicycle contours - this implies the opportunity to identify the bicycle, head, arms, shoulders, legs, upper and lower body combined with a normal human pattern of movement.
If large parts of the cyclist's body or bicycle are not visible to the function's camera then the system cannot detect a cyclist.
- For the function to be able to detect a cyclist, he/she must be an adult and riding an "adult bicycle".
- The function can only detect cyclists directly from behind and who are travelling in the same direction - not at an angle from behind, not from the side.
- The bicycle must be equipped with a highly visible and approved1 rearward-facing red reflector, fitted at least 70 cm above the roadway.
- Cyclists travelling on the left or right-hand edge of the car's imagined/extended side lines may be detected late or not at all.
- The function's capacity to detect cyclists at dusk and dawn is limited - just like the human eye.
- The function's capacity to detect cyclists is deactivated when driving in darkness and tunnels - even when streetlights are lit.
- For optimum bicycle detection, the City Safety™ function must be activated, see City Safety™.
Collision Warning with Auto Brake & Cyclist Detection is a means of assistance.
The function cannot detect:
- all cyclists in all situations and does not see partially obscured cyclists, for example.
- cyclists in clothing that obscures the contours of the body or who are approaching from the side.
- bicycles that have no rearward-facing red reflector.
- bicycles loaded with large objects.
The driver is always responsible that the vehicle is driven properly and with a safety distance adapted to the speed.