FAQ - Subscription

Return and Change

How do I change my car?

You can change your vehicle at any time with just 3 months’ notice. If you decide to switch, the same rules apply for your next car.
If you want to switch, just call or email our Customer Relation Centre. You will find the contact options here: https://www.volvocars.com/uk/car-finance/contact/

Can I cancel the subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time with just 3 months’ notice. If you want to cancel, just contact our Customer Relation Centre. Phone: 0800 0318065, Email: volvo-support@volvocars.com

What does the return process look like?

Once you have given notice to our Customer Relation Centre that you wish to end your subscription, they will arrange an appointment for the return of the vehicle at your location. As part of the return process, an independent inspector will inspect the car with you, noting any excessive wear & tear in accordance with the BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear Guide and to log any missing items. Any identified costs will be invoiced to you within 4 weeks.
In case you are switching to another car, your Care by Volvo retailer will contact you in good time before the end of the contract to arrange your handover appointment and return of your current vehicle. As part of the return process, a preliminary inspection of the returned car will take place and any wear & tear on the vehicle will be documented in the return protocol. Afterwards the car will be inspected by our vehicle return centre and any charges will be identified. You will be given full information about such costs within 4 weeks after you return your car.
When the car reaches the end of the contract, please ensure the accessories are in the vehicle at the point of handover if the car is being collected from you. You may of course keep the accessories that belong to you. If it is a switch car, please return the accessories that are remaining with the car on its return to the retailer.

Is it possible to buy the car at the end of my subscription?

No, our subscription vehicles cannot be purchased at the end of the subscription.

Can I keep accessories that follow the car but are not fitted?

No, you can't keep these accessories. However if you are interested in the product, you can buy it from your retailer.

What happens if I forget to return an accessory that is remaining with the car at handover?

If you are replacing your vehicle, please contact your retailer or customer care. If the vehicle is being collected directly by Manheim Inspection Services, please contact customer care. If you have lost or are not able to bring it back to the retailer, you will be charged for the outstanding balance.

Can I cancel the subscription of an accessory while my contract is in place?

No, you cannot cancel the subscription of an accessory without cancelling the car.