Type designations

Knowing the car's detailed information can help facilitate contact with a Volvo dealer and when ordering spare parts and accessories.

Product label

Product label locations
The product labels are located on the right-hand door pillar. One product labels is located at the bottom of the pillar and the other one is on the front side of the pillar. The labels will be visible when the door is opened.
Product label – 1
Product label – 1
Examples of information you can find on the label:
  • Type approval number
  • Vehicle identification number
  • Weight information
  • Code designation for exterior colour
Product label – 2
Product label – 2
Examples of information you can find on the label:
  • Type approval number
  • Vehicle identification number


Labels depicted in this manual are generic representations of those found around your car. The manual only contains their location and what kind of information they hold. Find the actual label for specific information about your car.


For many markets, more information can also be found in the car's registration document.