Assisted parking

Your car has several features that can help you during parking, such as guidance through camera and sensor views. Learn how to use the different types of assistance.

Your car's parking assistance features are available in the centre display's parking view. In most cases, the parking view opens automatically when you need it, but you can also open it manually.

The following parking assistance features are available in the parking view:
Distance and obstacle detectionThe car senses the surroundings using many different sensors. It uses this information to guide you with sound, graphics and warnings when driving at low speeds.
Parking camera viewsThe car shows your surroundings using cameras located around the car.
Park Pilot AssistThis feature can actively steer, brake and move in and out of parking spaces.
Rear Auto BrakeThe car can automatically brake if an obstacle is detected immediately behind the car while reversing at low speeds.


Required knowledge and driver responsibility

Assisted parking features are designed to make driving more comfortable and safer, but they do not reduce the need or responsibility of the driver to operate the car as safely as possible. Be sure to read all related information about a feature before using it. The section covering driver responsibility is essential reading for understanding the capabilities and limitations of your car's assisted driving features.

If you find anything unclear or have further questions, do not hesitate to contact Volvo support.