Voice control for cell phones

Voice commands can be used to control many of the most common functions in a Bluetooth®-connected cell phone.

To specify a phone book contact, the voice command has to include the contact's information that is in the phone book. For example, if a contact such as John Smith has several phone numbers, a number category such as home or mobile can be specified. To call, say: "Call John Smith mobile".

To use the voice control system, press the P5–1507–Voice control button on the right-side steering wheel keypad and say one of the following commands after the tone:
  • "Call [contact]": call a contact from your phone book.
  • "Call [phone number]": call a phone number.
  • "Recent calls": displays the list of recent calls.
  • "Read message": reads a message aloud. If there are several messages, select the one to be read.
  • "Message to [contact]": an empty message to the selected contact will open and is ready for dictation to begin.