A Red Key makes it possible to limit the vehicle's maximum speed, add speed reminders and limit the audio system's volume. Several of the vehicle's safety systems will also always be active. Otherwise, this key functions in the same way as a standard remote key.
One or more Red Keys can be ordered from a Volvo retailer after the vehicle has been purchased. A total of 11 keys can be programmed and used for the same vehicle, one of which has to be a standard remote key.
Settings for the Red Key can be made by a standard remote key user from the center display's Top view under: .
Several of the vehicle's safety function cannot be turned off by a Red Key user.
The restrictions are designed to help reduce the risk of an accident and they cannot be changed by a Red Key user. These settings cannot be changed by the Red Key's user.
Possible settings
The following settings can be made for a Red Key:
Speed Limiter* (On/Off)
- Setting interval: 30-160 mph (50-250 km/h)
- Default setting: 75 mph (120 km/h)
- Increments: 1 mph (1 km/h)
This symbol will appear in the instrument panel and the message Red keySpeed limitation cannot be exceeded will be displayed.
See the article "Speed limiter" for additional information.
Speed reminder (On/Off):
- Setting interval: 0-155 mph (0-250 km/h
- Default settings: 30, 45 and 55 mph (50, 70 and 90 km/h.)
- Increments: 1 mph (1 km/h)
- Max. number of reminders: 6
Reduced max. volume (on/off)
- Default setting: On
Adaptive cruise control * (On/Off)
- Initial setting: On at the longest interval
- See the article "Adaptive cruise control" for additional information
Safety functions
The following safety functions will always be active for a Red Key user: