Park Assist Camera (PAC)* limitations

The Park Assist Camera system has certain limitations that the driver should be aware of.


Bicycle carriers or other accessories mounted on the trunk lid may obstruct the camera's field of vision.

Blind sectors

Even if a fairly small section of the screen image appears to be obstructed, this may mean that a relatively large area is hidden and objects there may not be detected until they are very near the vehicle.

P5-1617-PAC 360-All camera-views
The "blind" sectors between the cameras' fields of vision

With 360° view selected, objects/obstacles may not be detected at the edges of the individual cameras' fields of vision.

Defective camera

P5-1617-PAC 360-camera out of order

If a camera sector is dark and contains this symbol, this indicates that the camera is not functioning properly (see the following illustration).

P5-1617-PAC 360-view w defect camera
In this example, the driver's side camera is not functioning

Dark camera sectors

A dark camera sector may also be displayed in the following situations but without the defective camera symbol. A sector may be dark because:

  • the door mirror is folded in
  • the door is open
  • the trunk is open

Ambient lighting

The camera images are adjusted automatically to the ambient light, which means the image may vary slightly in terms of light and quality. Poor ambient lighting may reduce the quality of the image.


  • Keep the camera's lens free of dirt, ice and snow. This is particularly important in poor ambient lighting conditions.
  • Remove dirt, ice and snow carefully to avoid scratching the lenses.
  • Clean the lens regularly with warm water and a suitable car washing detergent.
  1. * Option/accessory.