Using Distance Alert*

Distance Alert is used as follows:


P5-1507-DA Symbol Krockvarning

Pull down the center display's Top view and select Settings followed by Distance alert. Tap to turn the function On or Off.

Setting a time interval

P5-1507-ACC avstånd
Controls for setting a time interval
  1. P5-Icon red circle 1Reduce the time interval
  2. P5-Icon red circle 2Increase the time interval
  3. P5-Icon red circle 3Distance/time indicator
Press button (1) or (2) on the left-side steering wheel keypad to reduce or increase the time interval to the vehicle ahead.
The indicator (3) shows the current time interval.
P5-1519-xc90H-Symbol DA

Different time intervals to the vehicle ahead can be selected and are shown in the instrument panel as 1–5 horizontal bars. The greater the number of bars, the longer the time interval.

One bar between the vehicles represents a time interval of approximately 1 second; 5 bars is approximately 3 seconds.

The same symbol appears if Adaptive Cruise Control is activated.


  • The greater the vehicles' speed, the greater the distance between them for a set time interval.
  • The set time interval is also used by Adaptive Cruise Control*.
  • Only use time intervals permitted by local traffic regulations.
  1. * Option/accessory.