Locking/unlocking with the detachable key blade

The detachable key blade can be used to e.g., unlock the driver's door from the outside if, for example, the remote key's battery is weak.


P5-1507 Unlock with removable keyblade
P5-Icon red arrow 1

Pull out the driver's door handle as far as possible to access the lock cylinder.

P5-Icon red arrow 2

Remove the key blade from the remote key and insert it into the lock cylinder.

P5-Icon red arrow 3

Turn it clockwise 45 degrees so that the key blade points straight rearward.

P5-Icon red arrow 4

Turn the key blade back 45 degrees to its original position. Remove the key blade from the lock cylinder and release the door handle.

Pull the door handle again to open the door.
This will trigger the alarm.

Lock the door in the same way, but turn the key in step 3 counterclockwise.

Turning off the alarm

P5-1507 Backup start place in tunnel console
Backup key reader under the tunnel console cup holders
To turn off the alarm:
Place the remote key in the cup holder (on the key symbol) in the tunnel console (see the illustration).
Turn the start knob clockwise as far as possible and release it.
The start knob will return to its original position and the alarm will be turned off.


If necessary, the vehicle can be locked by inserting the detachable key blade into the lock cylinder in the driver's door.

Each of the other doors has a lock mechanism that must be pressed in using the key blade so that the door cannot be opened from the outside. The doors can still be opened from the inside.

P5-1507-XC90- Manual locking
Manually locking a door (this is not the child safety lock)
Remove the detachable key blade from the remote key. Insert it into the opening for the lock mechanism and press it in as far as possible.
P5-Icon gray box AThe door can be opened from inside and outside.
P5-Icon gray box BThe door cannot be opened from the outside. To override the locking function, open the door from the inside.

The doors can also be unlocked by pressing the unlock button on the remote key or by pressing the unlock button on the driver's door panel.


If the child safety locks are activated for the rear doors and the mechanical locking mechanism has also been activated with the key blade, it will not be possible to open these doors from the inside or the outside.

To unlock, use the central unlocking button on either of the front doors or the unlock button on the remote key.