Each time the vehicle slows down to a sufficiently low speed, it begins searching for a Wi-Fi network. If an authorized Volvo network (at a retailer or workshop) is found, a message will be displayed or a pop-up window will open in the center display (this applies to manual connections, see the section "Manually connecting to a workshop" below).
Automatically connecting to a workshop
Without driver confirmation
This is the most convenient way to transmit trouble-shooting data. The driver does not need to confirm that the vehicle will establish a connection.
If the vehicle stops at a workshop and the engine is switched off using the start knob, a message will appear above the status bar in the center display. The vehicle will be automatically connected when the driver's door is opened if the driver does not tap the Cancel button in the message.
To help prevent the driver from being disturbed by unwanted requests to connect (e.g., if the vehicle is often parked near a workshop with an authorized Volvo network), the vehicle will switch to manual connection if the driver cancels a connection request twice within 5 days.
With driver confirmation
With this alternative, the driver must confirm a connection.
If the vehicle stops at a workshop and the engine is switched off using the start knob, a pop-up window will open in the center display. The vehicle will be automatically connected when the driver's door is opened if the driver taps Connect in the pop-up window. If the driver does nothing or taps the pop-up window's Abort button, no attempt will be made to establish a connection.
Manually connecting to a workshop
Manual connections are handled by the service technician.
Changing the way a connection is made
The type of connection (manual or automatic) can be changed in the center display's Settings menu.