Owner's manual in mobile devices

Owner's information mobile app1 can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play and is adapted for both cell phones and tablets. These apps also contain videos and interior/exterior hotspot views of the vehicle that you can click on for additional information.
P5-S90-V90-16w17-Promote OM app
P5-15w07-QR Code

This QR code will take you directly to the app or you can search for "Volvo manual" in the App Store or Google Play.

The app contains videos and exterior/interior views of the vehicle with certain components/functions highlighted in hotspots, which lead directly to related information. It is easy to navigate between the various categories and articles and the contents are searchable.

P5-15w07-AppStore logo
P5-15w07-Google Play logo
The mobile app is available at the App Store and Google Play
  1. 1 Certain models and mobile devices