Changing ownership of a vehicle with Volvo On Call

If the vehicle changes owners, the Volvo On Call service should be cancelled.

Cancelling the Volvo On Call service

If your vehicle changes owners, contact your Volvo retailer to cancel the Volvo On Call service. The subscription will be terminated and the service history will be erased.

When the vehicle changes owners, all personal settings should be reset to the factory defaults, see the owner's manual supplement.

Starting the Volvo On Call service

If you purchase a previously owned Volvo with Volvo On Call:

The new owner should contact his/her Volvo retailer to transfer the remaining period of the Volvo On Call subscription. All contact information must be updated in order for Volvo On Call to function and to ensure that the previous owner is no longer authorized to use Volvo On Call services in the vehicle. The new owner will be given a 4-digit personal code, which is used to identify him/her as being authorized to approve certain Volvo On Call services.