Navigation system voice commands

Many of the navigation system's functions can be activated using voice commands.

The procedure for using voice control is described in greater detail in the articles "Voice control," "Using voice control" and "Voice control settings."

Voice commands

The following list contains examples of commands that are unique to navigation system.

To use the voice control system, press the P5–1507–Voice control button on the right-side steering wheel keypad and say one of the following commands after the tone:
  • "Navigation": Starts a navigation voice command dialog and displays available commands.
  • "Take me home": Guidance will be given to the location set as Home.
  • "Go to [City]": Enter a city as a destination, e.g., "Go to New York."
  • "Go to [Address]": Enter an address as a destination, e.g., Go to 125 43 St., New York."
  • "Go to Intersection": Starts a dialog where two street names are entered. The destination will then be the intersection of the two streets.
  • "Go to [Zip code]": Enter a zip code as a destination, e.g., "Go to 07405."
  • "Go to [Name]": Enter a name from a list of contacts e.g., "Go to John Smith."
  • "Search [POI category] in [City]": The list of results will be sorted around the center of the selected city/town, e.g., Search restaurants in Butler.
  • Search [POI category]": For example, Search Yankee Stadium.
  • "Change country/Change state": Changes the country/state in which a search is conducted.
  • "Show favorites": Shows a list of Favorites in the center display's Top view.
  • "Clear itinerary": Deletes all intermediate destinations in an itinerary.
  • "Repeat voice guidance": Repeats the most recent guidance instruction.
  • "Pause guidance": Pauses guidance on the map.
  • "Resume guidance": Resumes guidance on the map.
  • "Turn off voice guidance": Turns voice navigation guidance off.
  • "Turn on voice guidance": Turns voice navigation guidance on.