To use the voice control system, press the on the right-side steering wheel keypad and say one of the following commands after the tone:
- "Media": initiates a dialog and displays possible commands.
- "Play [artist]": plays music by the selected artist.
- "Play [song title]": plays the selected song.
- "Play [song title] from [album]": plays the selected song from the selected album.
- "Play [radio station]": starts the selected radio station.
- "Tune to [frequency]": tunes to the selected frequency on the current waveband. If no waveband has been selected, FM is the default.
- "Tune to [frequency] [waveband]": tunes to the selected station on the selected waveband.
- "Radio": starts FM radio.
- "Radio FM": starts FM radio.
- "Radio AM": starts AM radio.
- "SiriusXM": starts SiriusXM radio*
- "CD": starts playback from a CD.
- "USB": starts playback from a USB flash drive.
- "iPod": starts playback from an iPod.
- "Bluetooth": starts playback from a Bluetooth-connected device.
- "Similar music": starts playback from a USB flash drive with music similar to the type currently playing.