The gauges, indicators, symbols and functions displayed in the instrument panel depend on the equipment/systems installed in the vehicle and which functions are currently activated.
The instrument panel is available in two versions: 12" and 8".
Some of the functions listed below are optional.
- If the instrument panel is not functioning properly, information about e.g., brakes, airbags or other safety-related messages cannot be displayed and the driver cannot be alerted to possible problems.
- If the instrument panel turns off, does not activate when the ignition is switched on or is completely/partially not possible to read, do not drive the vehicle. Contact a trained and qualified Volvo service technician.
12" Instrument panel
Left side
- Speedometer
- Trip odometer
- Odometer
- Cruise control/speed limiter information
- Road sign information*
- Indicator and warning symbols
- Ambient temperature sensor
- Clock
- Messages (and in certain cases also graphics)
- Door and seat belt status
- Media player
- Navigation system map
- Cell phone
- Voice control
Right side
- Tachometer (depending on current driving mode)
- ECO gauge (depending on current driving mode)
- Gear indicator
- Current driving mode
- Fuel gauge
- Start/Stop function's status
- Driving distance to empty tank
- Current fuel consumption
- App menu (activated using the right-side steering wheel keypad)
8" instrument panel
Left side
- Fuel gauge
- Current driving mode
- Gear indicator
- Tachometer (depending on current driving mode)
- ECO gauge (depending on current driving mode)
- Distance to empty tank
- Ambient temperature sensor
- Indicator and warning symbols
- Speedometer
- Road sign information*
- Cruise control/speed limiter information
- Door and seat belt status
- Start/Stop function's status
Right side
- Media player
- Cell phone
- Navigation system map
- Clock
- App menu (activated using the right-side steering wheel keypad)
- Current fuel consumption
- Odometer
- Trip odometer
- Indicator and warning symbols
- Voice control
- Coolant temperature gauge
Position for variable symbols
Different symbols for various types of messages will be displayed in the center of the instrument panel. This may consist of an indicator or warning symbol or may be a series of graphics in this position which then convert to a larger graphic.
Activating the instrument panel
The instrument panel is activated as soon as a door is opened (i.e., ignition mode 0). After a short period, the panel will go out if it is not used.
To reactivate it, do one of the following:
- Press the brake pedal
- Turn the start knob to START and release it (without pressing the brake pedal). This activates ignition mode I
- Open one of the doors