Open the Car Status app in the app view.

Press TPMS.

Run the car until calibration is complete.
Calibration is performed when the car is driven at a speed above 35 km/h (22 mph).
If the car's ignition is switched off before calibration is complete, the tyres in the centre display change colour from grey to green upon next start-up, even if calibration is not complete. Perform calibration again and allow it to complete within the same operating cycle to ensure that the calibration is carried out correctly.
When sufficient data has been collected to enable the system to detect low tyre pressure, the tyres in the centre display change colour from grey to green. The system provides no additional confirmation that the calibration is complete.
If start-up of calibration fails, the following message appears: Calibration unsuccessful. Try again..
Remember to always calibrate the tyre pressure monitoring system when you have changed a wheel or if the tyre pressure has been changed according to the tyre pressure label or tyre pressure table.
If correct reference values have not been set, the system may not warn correctly about low tyre pressure.
The car must be stationary with the engine running for you to have access to the calibration button and start the calibration process.