Keyless unlocking of tailgate*

With keyless locking and unlocking, it is sufficient to press lightly on the rubberised pressure plate underneath the tailgate's handle to unlock.


One of the car's keys must be within range behind the car for unlocking to work.

The tailgate is held closed by an electrical lock.

To open:
Press gently on the rubberised pressure plate beneath the tailgate handle.
The lock is released.
Lift by the outside handle in order to open the tailgate.


  • Handle the rubber panel with care to avoid damage to its electrical contact. Minimal force is required for activation.
  • Do not exert the lifting force on the rubber panel when opening – lift the handle.

It is also possible to unlock the tailgate with a foot movement* under the rear bumper, see separate section.


Do not drive with an open tailgate! Toxic exhaust fumes could be drawn into the car through the cargo area.
  1. *Option/accessory.