Stolen Vehicle Tracking with Volvo Assistance

If car theft is suspected, Volvo Assistance can b e contacted via the Volvo Cars app to attempt to locate the car.1

If theft or other unauthorised use of the car has been discovered, then the car's owner along with the police and Volvo Assistance can agree to track the car.


This also applies if the car was opened and stolen with the associated key.
The following needs to be done:
Contact Volvo Assistance and tell them you want help tracking the car. The tracking starts.
Make a police report.
Contact Volvo Assistance again and notify them of the police case number.
Volvo Assistance informs the police of the car's position.


A condition for the car to be tracked is that the matter is reported to the police. Volvo Assistance will only give information to the police.
  1. 1Available services vary depending on market.