Engine specifications

Engine specifications (power, etc.) for each respective engine alternative can be found in the table below.


Not all engines are available in all markets.


If engine data is missing in the table, it will be updated at a later date.
EngineEngine code1





Max. rated power


Max. rated power




No. of cylinders
B4 / B4 AWDD420T8145/4000197/4000420/1750–27504
B5 / B5 AWDB420T10183/5400–5700249/5400–5700350/1800-48004
B5 / B5 AWDB420T2184/5400–5700250/5400–5700205/5400–5700278/5400–5700350/1800-48004
B5 AWDD420T2173/4000235/4000480/1750-22504
B6 AWDB420T220/5400300/5400420/2100–48004
  1. 1The engine code, component number and serial number can be found on the engine.