Make sure that your phone supports tethering and that this function is activated. On an iPhone, this function is known as "tethering". On Android phones, this function may have different names but is frequently known as "hotspot". For iPhones, the menu page "tethering" must also be open until the Internet connection has been established.
Press Settings in the top view.
Continue to .
Activate/deactivate by ticking/unticking the box for Wi-Fi.
If another connection source has been used, confirm the option to change connection.
Tap on the network name of the network to be connected.
Enter the network password.
The car connects to the network.
Note that certain phones switch off tethering after the contact with the car has been disconnected, e.g. when leaving the car and until the next time it is used. The tethering in the phone therefore needs to be reactivated the next time it is used.
When a phone is connected to the car, it is saved for future use. To show a list of saved networks or manually delete saved networks, go to .
The telephone and network provider must support tethering (Internet connection sharing), and the subscription must include data.

Technical and safety requirements for Wi-Fi connection, are described in a separate section.