In cars equipped with head-up display, a symbol is shown on the windscreen for as long as the time interval to the vehicle ahead is shorter than the preset value.
Distance warning is active at speeds above 30 km/h (20 mph) and only reacts to the vehicle ahead travelling in the same direction. No distance information is provided for oncoming, slow or stationary vehicles.
Strong sunlight, reflections, extreme light contrasts, the use of sunglasses, or if the driver is not looking straight ahead may make the visual warning signal in the windscreen difficult to recognise.
Distance Warning will only react if the time interval to a vehicle ahead falls to below a certain limit – the speed of your own car is not affected.
- The function is supplementary driver support intended to facilitate driving and make it safer – it cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions.
- The driver is advised to read all sections in the Owner's Manual that relate to this function to learn about factors such as its limitations and what the driver should be aware of before using the system.
- Driver support functions are not a substitute for the driver's attention and judgement. The driver is always responsible for ensuring the car is driven in a safe manner, at the appropriate speed, with an appropriate distance to other vehicles, and in accordance with current traffic rules and regulations.