XC40 Recharge specifications

XC40 Recharge

Car audio system options

The XC40 Recharge is available with two audio system options.

High Performance audio system

Standard - 8 speakers - 7 channels - 250W output

Harman Kardon Premium Sound

Optional - 13 speakers - 12 channels - 600W output - Subwoofer

Lifecycle carbon footprint

We believe in being transparent about the full carbon impact of our fully electric vehicles. So, we have conducted and published a lifecycle assessment (LCA) of our XC40 Recharge twin. The LCA includes all carbon emissions involved in producing the vehicle (including supplier activities, manufacturing and logistics), as well as 200,000km of use. Over its lifetime, an XC40 Recharge twin has a lower carbon impact than a petrol-powered XC40, irrespective of the charging electricity mix (global, EU or wind). However, the electricity source used when charging the XC40 Recharge has a significant impact on its total carbon emissions. Whenever possible, we encourage you to charge using renewable electricity.


Tonnes of CO2 equivalent

XC40 Recharge twin (electric)

Production, including battery (98%)

Use – charged using wind power (2%)


Tonnes of CO2 equivalent

XC40 Recharge twin (electric)

Production, including battery (48%)

Use – charged using global energy mix (52%)


Tonnes of CO2 equivalent

XC40 (petrol)*

Production (27%)

Use – petrol (73%)

The carbon footprint data presented above is derived from a lifecycle assessment study. Please read the full report for more information of the methodology, the assumptions made and limitations of the study. * The carbon footprint of the XC40 (petrol) has been updated after the publication of the lifecycle assessment report of the XC40 Recharge.

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C40 Recharge

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The side profile of a blue Volvo C40 Recharge.

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pure electric

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More information on XC40 Recharge

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