On-board digital owner's manual

When printed owner's information refers to digital owner's information, this is the on-board information available in the vehicle's center display.
P5-1617-Settings pane-OM-highlighted
The digital on-board owner's manual is accessed from the center display's Top view

There are a number of ways to find information in the digital owner's manual, which can be accessed from the manual's top menu by tapping P5-15w07-Owners manual-Symbol main.


The on-board owner's information cannot be accessed while the vehicle is moving.
Symbols and their descriptions
P5-1617-OM onboard-category symbol-start
Takes you to the owner's information start page.
P5-1617-OM onboard-category symbol-category
All articles sorted by category. An article may be listed in several categories.
P5-1617-OM onboard-category symbol-quick guide
A selection of useful articles about the most commonly used functions in the vehicle.
P5-1617-OM onboard-category symbol-exterior
P5-1617-OM onboard-category symbol-interior
Exterior/interior views of the vehicle in which certain areas/components are highlighted as hotspots. Tap a hotspot to come to a relevant article.
P5-1617-OM onboard-category symbol-favorites
This offers access to a list of articles that have been saved as favorites. Tap an article to read it in its entirety.
P5-1617-OM onboard-symbol-video
Leads to short instructional videos for various vehicle functions.
P5-1617-OM onboard-category symbol-information
This offers information about the current version of the owner's information in your vehicle and other useful information.